Jessica Mack on Latest Book Crush

G’Day, I’m Jessica.

Welcome to my book review site. I’d love to hear about your latest book crush, leave me a comment or come find me on Instagram or Facebook!



Can you believe it, this is the sixth year of #FlirtyFebruary! If you haven’t participated before, here are the details:

  1. Read romance books during the month of Flirty February (eBooks, physical books, audiobooks…you do you). I encourage you to read diverse characters and authors if you can.

  2. Share about your books on Bookstagram and tag @LatestBookCrush and #FlirtyFebruary.

  3. Be entered to win fun spot prizes, and get some great book recommendations from other participants throughout the month.

  4. You can also share the fun Instagram Story templates below, to show us what you’re reading during the month. If you get a bingo make sure you share and tag @LatestBookCrush to be entered to win even more prizes.

Flirty February bingo template
Flirty February This or That Template
Flirty February TBR Template
Flirty February Currently Reading Template
Flirty February Mini Review Template
Flirty February Books Read Template 2

I can’t wait to see what you read for Flirty February!

Readers Take Denver, a dystopian tale

Readers Take Denver, a dystopian tale

Witcha Gonna Do

Witcha Gonna Do