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Walk With Wings

Score: 3.5/5 Bookmarks

Thank you so much to Tene Edwards for sending me a copy of her book Walk with Wings to review.

I was hooked just from the author's note at the start of the book, which I hope she won't mind me sharing here:


Here is the truth about the truth,

It's embarrassing.

We are safe from judgment with the pretense of perfection,

so we lie. Women often carry a weight of

fear, shame, and embarrassment of who we are.

Growing up, I was taught never to air my dirty laundry in

public. However, life has taught me that owning my mistakes

allows me to grab my power back.

And sharing my truth may be the only light others need

to drive them out of their darkness.

To be free and to free others, I write my truth.

Welcome to my truth. — Tene Edwards

This book of poetry is modern and approachable while also being quite moving. You can feel the author's heartbreak but also her strength in her words.

It is set out in five sections: Monsoon Love, Winter Sorrow, Autumn Grace, Spring Resilient, and Summer Freedom with each section having its own distinct tone.

Some parts felt more like quotes than what I would usually think of as poetry, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, and they painted a strong picture all the same. The book is full of wisdom and little treasures. The illustrations in the book are by Sara Faber, who's been a long time favorite of mine. You can grab your own copy of Walk with Wings by clicking the button below.